7.00pm Thursday to 5.30pm Sunday 7-10 November 2024
Residential Retreat @ HAZELDELL 220 Basin – Olinda Rd, Sassafras, Victoria
Does any of this sound like you?
👉 You feel empty, alone or dissatisfied inside
👉 You feel stuck, blocked, frustrated or confused.
👉 You feel like you don't really connect to your partner, children, friends
👉 You find it hard to get a restful sleep at night
👉 You don’t nurture yourself enough
👉 You feel like life is passing you by Have you tried traditional counselling with little to no success?
Are you ready to break free from the chains holding you back… and move forward into a life of more happiness and success?
Is it your time to shine?
If YES....
Here's an opportunity to...
Reach Your True Potential Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
I'd like to invite you to join me at our life-transforming...
Passionately Alive Residential Retreat.
Developing Emotional Mastery is the missing piece of the puzzle that makes everything make sense.
In just 3 1/2 days, with Breathwork you can release amazing amounts of troublesome emotions and learn simple yet life changing Emotional Intelligence skills and practices that will bring more joy and ease and success into everything that you do.
I know this is possible because I have conducted over 200 Passionately Alive Retreats and been teaching this material to thousands of people for over 26 years!
I'd like to invite you to come and join me to...
💖 Make a profound shift in your level of inner peace
💖 Experience more happiness in your day-to-day life
💖 Experience a deeper connection to the essence of your being which is, by nature peaceful, happy, loving and contented.
💖 Connect head to heart. What we call – Heart Centered Living Can you imagine creating a life of wealth, freedom and happiness without pain, frustration or struggle? Come and experience Thrive Breathwork, shake off your trauma and open your heart to reconnect, laugh, dance, sing and envision a new life, from your heart.
Have you had enough of just getting by and living half a life?
Do you feel 2024 is your time to shine?
If so, our next Passionately Alive is starting soon!
To express your interest just SMS text us on 0410 197 870
We'll contact you to organize a chat
I'd love to show you a beautiful whole new way of living - from your heart.
3 ½ day residential retreat includes all food and accommodation
Dates and times: 7:00pm Thursday to 5:30pm Sunday
Location: At our Retreat Centre in Sassafras Rain Forest, Melbourne
Full fee: $2970 (Payable as 5 monthly instalments of $594)
Early Bird $2,470 (Early Bird closes: 5pm Thursday 7 days before)
Fill in the details below and you'll be on your way!
Kind Regards,
Nicholas and Susan